Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bridal Shows- Brides Making the Best of Them

The clock is ticking and it’s now time to put the planning in high gear. With the countless decisions that need to be made and vendors to meet with, going to a bridal show will give you many ideas and the opportunity to meet professionals in the wedding industry.

Bridal shows offer a one stop pre-screen shopping experience…’s the Wal-Mart of weddings as I sometimes refer to shows. Take advantage of these shows and here are some tips.

1) Register online before the show, you may usually save an average of $5.00 by doing so.
2) Print address labels including your wedding date, this will be helpful for all the drawings you will be encouraged to enter. This will lessen times you need to write your information!
3) If you don’t already have a separate email address specifically for your wedding, you may do so now. To be honest your email address will be shared once you register for the show.
4) Bring a friend if your fiancé does not want to attend and wear comfortable shoes, you will walk around at least twice.
5) Bring a small notebook to take notes of vendor advice, make as many notes on their cards/handouts first.
6) Ask as many questions that you can about the vendor and their services to learn more tips and to gauge how they will interact with you as a client. Feel free to prepare your questions ahead of time. Split up your questions between vendors.
7) If you are looking for a makeup artist, wear little or no makeup and volunteer to be a model. This helps the vendor with a demo and you for a free mini consultation.
8) Your friend should help keep you on track to narrow down your prospective vendors. Here is what you do:
* Collect as much literature as possible, for the vendors that you really like you keep the information. The others give to your friend to place in her bag. This helps you filter the information while at the show, still go through the information…you never know what you will find.
* Rate the vendors you see, whether you use an A,B,C method or 1-5 rating this will also help when reviewing information. If you don’t mind have your friend rate the vendor and compare ratings later.
* Take note of the vendors with the Bridal Show deals, there are usually great saving using a special promotional code.

Don’t feel pressured about making any decisions on the spot, follow up and schedule consultations.

Prestigiously yours,
