Offer cocktails for a limited time during the first part of your event
* This will allow your guests to enjoy a few drinks while mingling with others and you won’t pay for the open bar/ cash bar fees for the night.
* Limiting the consumption will decrease the number of alcoholic beverages and increase sober guests leaving your event.
Limit the options; choose one or two signature drinks to serve
* Having a signature drink will lower the variety of mixed drinks and alcohol required to have at a bar. The less options of alcohol will also lower your expenses.
* With the limited options of drinks there are less chances of over consumptions.
You also have the option of serving wine and beer with other non alcoholic beverages
* Paying for beer and wine is less expensive than top shelve liquor
* Guests can still enjoy themselves without mixed drinks and enjoy a glass of wine during dinner before they dance and party.
To be honest, no matter what you choose you cannot please everybody. Just be concerned about your budget and stick to it. Plan ahead and accordingly the last thing you want to do at your affair is frequently check with the bartenders as to where you are sitting in terms of an alcohol bill.

Prestigiously yours,